Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Classwork - Recent Class Assignment

(It's side ways and I'm lazy..)

Classwork from the last assignment we had. Black paper and white conte.

My critique was okay but the bottom half (left side) was better than the upper half (right side). The bottom part with the jester, I payed more attention to planes than the upper part.

That was a crappy composition, but everyone took the good spots.

Old Work from This Semester

Classwork, Charcoal Eraser Siena Conte

Homework, Charcoal eraser siena conte

Classwork, black conte

Classwork, Black conte white conte (perspective looks way off because the paper was warped when I took the picture)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Lesson - Hatching

Hatching not cross-hatching.

I sometimes forget there's a difference.

Similar to this, but no line and in only one direction.

(I don't claim any of this work as mine)

Artist Research - Richard Diebenkorn

We went over some of Richard Diebenkorn's work in class and I like it. It's a break from all the line work we do for classwork/homework and even the line work I do outside of class. It's refreshing too to see all the bright colors he uses. There's a lot of warm and cool hues in his work and it works really well.

In class we're suppose to look at his use of planes and his little use of line. Out of all the painter artists we've been introduced to in class, he's my favorite. Simply because he hardly uses line, if at all, and pulls it off very well. It's sometimes difficult to do this myself because I'm so used to outlining things over and over and then shading in or something similiar...

*Will be posting images of class work*